Toastrack Museum

Always A Welcome

As previously featured on the Toastrack blog in We Have Visitors and Unforgotten Path, on March 8th 1962 Her Royal Highness the Princess Margaret visited the Toastrack to perform the official opening ceremony for the Domestic and Trades College, later to become the Hollings Faculty.

To commemorate this visit a brochure was produced, outlining the college’s history, departments and staff, and offering some information on the building’s unique structure and design.

This is notable for its attribution to S.G. Besant-Roberts as City Architect above L.C. Howitt – listing the figureheads in this manner appears to have been a convention of the day. Also included in this list as Principal Group Leader, and recently in contact with Manchester Modernist Society, is Derek Hill.

The full brochure is reproduced below.

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